Years ago our family was traumatized by the death of a
teacher who was murdered in her car outside of Dozier Middle School where my
children attended. Since that time, these type of heinous events have multiplied
and the magnitude of their scope also. Some
years later, our family was impacted once again by the Virginia Tech shooting
as one of our sons high school friends was in the building when the tragic
shootings there occurred. All of this
grieves me to the very depth of my soul.
But no one is looking at the real problem. no one is focusing on the real cause!
Before we have even had time to grasp the scope of this
terrible tragedy, the Democrats and the liberal media have begun politicizing
this event in order to strip us of another Constitutional right. You see friends, the problem we face that has
led once again to such a hienous event, is not the guns... the solution is not
banning guns. The problem is in the
hands that hold and use the guns. There
is no way to predict or to protect from such a random act of violence. No amount of police patrol, security guards
or procedures can stop these acts. The
Principle at Sandy Hook Elementary School had just installed a new security
system and the school doors were locked each day after students arrived. The gunman shot through the locks. So much for security. The media and many foolish leaders are saying
that we must remove guns from law abiding citizens so that only law enforcement
have them. I can tell you as a former
police officer that I never took a legal gun off of any criminal, they were
always stolen or unregistered weapons that I recovered. Besides, it took law enforcement 20 minutes
to respond to this event. One trained
administrator or teacher could have dramatically changed the events of December
the 14th at Sandy Hook Elementary.
Removing guns from the hands of law abiding citizens will
guarantee the supremacy of criminals and assure that deranged persons like the
man that did this have the upper hand.
Rather than removing guns from the hands of law abiding citizens, we
should equip and train them with guns, especially those to whom we entrust the
care of our most vulnerable citizens, our children and the elderly. We have forgotten what our greatest President
George Washington very wisely said, "The
very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil Interference
- they deserve a place of honor with all
that's good.... Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance;
they are the peoples' liberty's teeth.
G. Washington" Many
would not want to consider this truth, but had the principle, assistant
principle or school psychologist or someone in the administration, or even the
teacher in the first room the gunmen entered been licensed to carry a concealed
weapon and trained to use it effectively, though a few may have lost their life
that day, the massacre that occurred would have been thwarted!
The REAL problem is that for 25 to 30 years now we have systematically
removed God and the Bible, the 10 Commandments and every symbol of true
Biblical Christianity and with this, the moral and ethical framework that this
provides for every aspect of our culture.
Our founders understood that the structures of our government depended
strongly on men and women whose lives were shaped by the truths and commands of
true Biblical Christianity. But in our
day we do not teach this anymore and in fact, do everything we can to hinder
these eternal truths and now even proclaim that some of these truths are wrong.
We then have the audacity to ask where God
was when this kind of tragedy occurs.
Even worse, in the height of hypocrisy, the media and many legislators
and even our president dare to call on the very God they have disdained by
their words, rhetoric and votes, to provide the comfort and relief so
desperately needed in times of crisis.
The media is buzzing with their feigned concern and care, pretending
to nobly seek answers to this calamity, interviewing clergy (the one I heard is a charlatan) who
offer no real help, only some humanistic concoction of pseudo religion and pop
psychology. But there is a solution to this problem. There is an answer the will reduce the
violence, and every other malady that has gotten so out of proportion but the
media and government don't want to hear it. The solution to the problem that we
have created by our mass retreat from the Biblical values upon which our
founders based our nation, is to reinstate those values! Yes, that is correct!! A return to the Biblical ethic upon which our
nation was founded and our laws framed.
A return to "One Nation Under God." The fix is not going to be quick because we
have spawned an awful crop of wickedness and amoral thinking and a lie that everything
is situational and that there is no absolute truth!
Tragically, the liberal media and the democratic party, (whom you may recall didn't even want God in their
party platform) are already manipulating public opinion, screaming to
remove another constitutional right and this President that America has
reelected has promised on National Television to move that agenda forward. What a tragedy, we once again will treat the
symptom and not the cause.
I find that it is very difficult for me to ask God to Bless
America any more, or to intervene in our affairs. It seems very hypocritical to ask God to
bless our nation that has so totally rejected Him, that has so rubbed our
willful and despicable sin in His face. I am becoming more convinced that God has
honored our request and removed His presence and His power from us as a nation
and a people. I believe that Christians
in America need to consider the possibility that times of great struggle may
well be before us and that we need to learn the lesson of Daniel (Dan 6), of
his three friends (Daniel 3), of Lazarus (Luke 7) in the gospels or Stephen in
Acts 7 and others of God's great servants who brought great glory to God, not
through times of ease and comfort, but through the Lion's Den, the Fiery Furnace,
death by stoning, death from a difficult illness that provided God the
opportunity to glorify His Son Jesus Christ before a mocking world.
As a pastor, I have often been asked, why it is that God
allows bad things to happen to "good" people. My first thought when asked this is Christ's
statement that "there is none good," but then I take a moment and
explain the truth that Lazarus, the brother of Martha and Mary suffered and
died, even though the sisters had called for Jesus to come and heal him. Jesus could have easily done that healing
from right where he was! Did He not heal
the Centurions servant with a word, due to the great faith of this Roman
soldier? But in the case of Lazarus
(Luke 7) the only reason he had to suffer so and that, to the point of death,
was so that the Lord Christ could stand outside of the tomb and call Him back
to life, so that there would be no question that Christ had the power to do
so! The only reason Lazarus had to
suffer and die was in order for Jesus Christ to receive the Glory that He is
due! It is only God's servants who can
reveal the truth of the presence and power of the one true living God. What we
must remember is that whether we live or die, whether we prosper or suffer, God
is able to deliver us even if that deliverance is through death as in the case
of Stephen.
Perhaps we need to get back to the full council of God and
realize the truth that Daniels three friends understood, that service to God is
required no matter the condition. Dan 3:16-18 NASB Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego replied to
the king, "O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to give you an answer
concerning this matter. (17) "If
it be so, our God
whom we serve is able to deliver us
from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O
king. (18) "But even if He does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods or
worship the golden image that you have set up." There may well come a time here in these
United States of America, that we, like Peter and John, like our founders, must
stand up and say as we read in Acts 5, "We must obey God rather than men."
Our nation has turned from God and rejected our
heritage. I close with words, again from
our first and greatest president, George Washington who said, "It is impossible to rightly govern a nation
without God and the Bible. G. Washington"
My deep Christian concern and my heart-felt prayers (not some foolish "moment of silence"
which has no efficacy at all that is designed to appeases atheist and once
again smacks the God of the Universe in the face) go out to those families
whose lives have been so violently torn by the evil that we collectively have
spawned through the inaction of Christians and the actions of the liberal and
ungodly who have wrested this nation from us.
I deeply hope that we will wake up and turn back to God and set this
nation back on a course that reintroduces the Biblical moral and ethical
values. That reinstitutes Christian prayer, the 10 Commandments and the
Christian moral and ethical standards that once made our nation great!
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