Tuesday, October 11, 2011

SCBI Annual Meeting

This was my first meeting with the State Convention of Baptist in Indiana (SCBI).  I took the time to come early to attend the Pastor's Conference, which I wish would be renamed to the "Preaching" or "Bible" conference (Bible Conference is my Favorite possible name) so that church members would realize that they could dramatically benefit from this time of preaching!  The sermons were powerful and convicting.  I would encourage everyone to drop by the convention web site in the days to come to download the sermons that were preached.

With all of the changes that are going on within the Southern Baptist Convention, I was very surprised at the level of attendance.  I would have expected virtually every pastor in our state to attend the meetings and at least one or two messengers from each church.  I would invite every church to seriously consider the importance of active involvement in our annual meetings. The time and commitment is well worth the effort. I realize that many or our churches are led by pastors who work outside the church to make a living or to suppliment their pastoral salary.  For some of these it is difficult to get time off to attend.  If your pastor can not attend, surely there are a few in the church who are retired who could come and represent their church and pastor at this meeting. I would also challenge churches, especially those of bivocational pastors noted above, to make some provision for the travel costs for their pastor and his wife.

Overall the meeting was excellent! The reports were well made, some were very unique and engaging, but all provided the important information that we needed as pastors and church members to understand the dynamics of where we are as Southern Baptists in our work and ministry here in Indiana.  The worship time was wonderful, the music uplifiting and a real sense of God's presence was with us in the meetings.

If you missed the annual meeting this year, make plans now to attend next year!  I don't  think you will be disappointed!!

God bless!

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